The Amazon Science Museum was visited by important institutions in the last week. The purpose of this meeting was to strengthen the presence of MuCA regarding initiatives aimed at education, entrepreneurship and sustainable development.
Representatives of Sebrae Nacional were present at the meeting, with whom a partnership was signed to consolidate investments in the formation of a nucleus of entrepreneurship based on Amazonian biodiversity. Members of Finep – Studies and Projects Financing Agency, linked to the Ministry of Science and Technology and Innovation – were also present, as well as representatives of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), which contributes to inclusive and sustainable growth in partnership with the State, organized civil society and the private sector.
In this occasion, MuCA also received leaders of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) – which supports initiatives in Latin American countries aimed at reducing poverty and promoting equity.
The BNDES’ board was also present at the visit. Partner since the very beginning, the Bank financed the work of the MuCA head office, in Pará, inside the Tapajós National Forest, and now, it supports the installations that will unlock forest economies.
We believe that only joint, integrated and balanced action between different spheres can increase the positive impacts and thus ensure that sustainable development reaches all its potential. “We are preparing for a new era of production, in which the Amazon and the Conservation Units (UCs) will be the core of entrepreneurship for young people in the region”, says Luiz Felipe Moura, general coordinator of the Museum.